As you are aware of my mice issue, how I had waged war and closed up the openings in which they were coming in. It has been peaceful since then. However, since the openings were closed, if there was any left in the house, they were now trapped. Well, one was trapped and decided to come out. This one has been scurrying around and hiding. We've set traps and even moved furniture around in order to catch him. This one is a smart one as he has avoided the traps whether the kill one or the glue. However, one day he will be caught but it's a matter of time.
How does this relate to our lives? Jesus came to cleanse of all our sins. He has in effect "closed the openings in our lives" with His blood. When He did, we had peace in our "house". Then, a particular "sin" creeps up and tries to destroy the peace we have. That "sin" scurries around in our lives and tries to avoid being trapped. When we see this "sin", we need to purpose in our hearts and mind to kill it. We can't just trap it and let it loose outside. We need to use anything we have to trap it and kill it - dead! We can't let this "sin" destroy our peace. We must let it go.
Today, this week, this month, this year, or whenever, when any "sin" decides to rise up and scurry around in our hearts, minds, or lives, let us not tolerate it. We must KILL it and not let it make its home in us. The word for us this week is, Just Kill It! Have a blessed week!