As believers, it is so easy to give God glory when everything is going good. We can praise Him for providing our finances, for health, salvation, and the list can go on and on. What about when things aren't going the way we want it or planned it? Do we give Him glory then? What about when a loved one passes away? Do we give Him glory? It's hard to give God glory when things are 'bad' in our lives.
I recently had a situation in which I tested positive for the dreaded COVID. It was after our family reunion. Normally I would wear a mask indoors or when I'm around people. However, at that time, I was very lax and didn't wear my mask indoors or outdoors. Well, as fate would have it, when I returned home two days later I tested positive. As my first blog stated, I was diagnosed with Lupus, Asthma, and Restrictive Lung Disease. With these pre-existing conditions, I should have known better. Well, anyway, I tested positive and had lung issues such as coughing, nasal congestion, and fatigue. Most of my relatives who had tested positive got over it within a couple of days. But not me. I'm still dealing with symptoms but thank God it's getting better.
So how can I give God glory for this? There are so many reasons to do so. First, I thank God that I didn't test positive at the beginning when no one knew what was happening. If I did, I probably would have ended up in the hospital and on the ventilator because of my pre-existing conditions. Second, I thank God because despite my pre-existing conditions, I didn't end up in the hospital. I did have several doctors appointments and was given several medications but I wasn't admitted to the hospital. Third, I thank God that even through this I was able to work. I might have done so with exhaustion but God gave me strength to do it. Fourth, I thank God that my roommate didn't test positive during or after I had symptoms. Thank God that she stays on another level so it was easy to quarantine. So yes, I can give God glory for and in all things including COVID.
Is there a situation in your life that you feel it's difficult to give God glory? Start by thanking God for Who He is and that He's sovereign over everything. Then knowing that He wouldn't give you more than you can handle, thank Him because He felt you can handle what you're going through. Even though it's hard, still praise Him. It will take your eyes off of your situation and put it on Him. Give God the glory? Yes! Give Him the glory NO MATTER WHAT! Have a blessed week!